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Bachelor degree in Digital Arts and Multimedia (2008), in ESAD, Matosinhos, then completed a Masters in Visual Arts Education (2010) at the University of Aveiro and currently attends the course of PhD in Contemporary Art at the College of the Arts in University of the Coimbra.

Designer freelancer since 2008; teacher of high school level in the areas of multimedia and visual arts, from 2009 to the present.

First solo exhibition  - Galeria Saguão, Viseu – in 2015.

Honorable mention – Poster Competition “3 de Dezembro de 2011 Dia Internacional das Pessoas com Deficiência” – in 2011.



Title of the work: Elevare (*Latin: lift, make light, make up, awake, exalting).

Dimensions of the original art of work: 50x50cm x 3 (this work is a combination of three parts)


This triptych approaches the concepts of void and sublime. One of the main characteristic is the intention to have different layers, like different levels of apprehension/conscious. The work should function as windows to other places, to surreal landscapes without the skyline; instead we have several confusing lines. 

We can see an opposition between the resin and the print image, one have organic forms the other has geometric forms; in the appliance of the resin in the glass I have little control of the shape I made, in the print I have total control; the first is closer of us, the second is far and difficult to reach /grasp.

To illustrate my conception of a sublime emptiness, I need to show the way to get there. The goal is to reach a state, inner, peaceful, thus justifying the use a reduced color palette, it is not intended a whirlwind of emotions, but a calm state. The first step - glass resin - presents diffuse and still somewhat opaque, it is the first release phase. Between the first step and the next there is a gap, a waiting bar, the space for a mental preparation. The formal clearance is required for each drive your trip individually, just have some clues. 

When we see this work, it will change depending the time of the day (it should be seen with direct light of sun). When the light reaches the resin it will make it glow and cast different shadows changing during the day, creating several different images.

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